Sunday, April 19, 2020

“Jo! This is the BEST day of my LIFE!” * March - April 2020

“Jo! This is the BEST day of my LIFE!”

Question:  Who said this to Jo???
And what could spark such a spectacular comment?

...Was it Jane on the afternoon when she
finally figured out how to jump into the
hammock on her own?


“Jo! This is the BEST day of my LIFE!”

...Was it the Handsome Bret Sr. on his 

20th wedding anniversary?

Sadly, NO.

“Jo! This is the BEST day of my LIFE!”

ANSWER:  the morning the first EVER avocados started
to grow on the tree he had been nurturing, pruning, 

shading, composting, wrapping before a frost, and then 
hacking to a single stick after a 3 day freezing rain.  
(I feel the need to add that I'm pretty sure
there's been under-the-breath-cursing... 

but I was not a witness to that.) 

There were only 2 avocados located on the
aforementioned morning-of the
"BEST day" of his life.

You can see how small they are...
Hopefully we find more in the coming weeks
as they all  grow and become more visible.

Our lovely garden helper Jane Austen would like to add 
that HER contribution to the avocado tree has been digging, rolling in muddy dirt and in general making and/or leaving a mess of the area around it.

Cantaloupe from seed saved from last year's harvest.

Spring has SPRUNG!

Seedlings started in the garage...
planted in the backyard in various areas to vine,
and all the extras shared with gardening friends.

The Handsome Bret Sr. a week before these began to leaf 
confided with me that he thought he may have pruned the 
grapes too much - not so.

Every grapevine has leafed.  It is lovely.  I love Spring!

Sugar-Snap Peas  *  2020

2020 has been a hard year
for a few items we have usually grown in the spring.

Mostly it has been the garden terrorist
(THE reason there's now a fence and gate...)

AND it's been:  Too hot.  Not cold enough.
And finally too late to plant/repeat plant for this season.

Tropic Snow Freestone Peach  * 2020

Tropic Snow Freestone Peach  * 2020

March 2020

This plum tree bloomed for the FIRST TIME
since we planted it nearly 7 years ago...
We will keep you posted if there is any fruit this year!

I will be honest - 

We've nearly chopped it down a time or two.
But we have kept it for its shade over the chicken coop.

Walking out to the backyard and seeing this at the 

beginning of the COVID-19 stay-at-home order felt 
like a hug from heaven. 

Having blossoms on a tree that that has NEVER 

bloomed felt like a visual reminder of God's love. 

I honestly cannot remember a time when Bret Sr.
did not garden like this...

His garden beds typically have 2-3 items
growing at a time PER HALF.

In the "green-smoothie" garden bed this year he has
planted 2 varieties of spinach, 2 varieties of kale
(though he planted MOSTLY purple curly kale
- THANK YOU! - ) and around the edges of one
side of this garden bed are garlic bulbs growing.

Spinach * 2020

From this angle you can see what I had mentioned before:
two kinds of spinach, green and purple kale,
and if you look closely here at the above photo on
the bottom left - there is a reddish green plant that we
thought was Swiss chard but turned out to be a beet!!!
No matter. Its leaves ended up in our green
smoothies quite regularly.



You can see here after being cut how much
space a spinach plant needs to grow.

While collecting what I needed for the evening's 
dinner recipe, I kept a pile of spinach leaves 
that were yellowed or bug eaten for 
the chicken-ladies.


Gardening  RULE:   GROW  what you  EAT

The Handsome Bret Sr. had been asking me for over a 

week to harvest and use the spinach from four spinach 
plants he was growing in the green-smoothie bed.  
"Not for a smoothie!" I told him; I was saving them up!  
I was going to use them all at once...  
He didn't believe me.
And then I only used 3 of the 4 plants.

While harvesting this mountain of spinach
I decided to just use 3 plants.
Its downsizing while being steamed is incredible.

...I really needed all 4 but didn't realize it until I was done making dinner.


Cheesy Spinach and Sausage PASTA

1  box of pasta (Gluten-Free at our house)
- cooked - drained - rinsed and set aside

2  SMOKED  POLISH  Sausage links  (Gluten-Free, Nitrate-Free) sliced  
1-2  medium onions, cubed
2-3  red peppers, cubed
1  bundle garlic, minced
1  pound mushrooms, rinsed, and sliced
2  TABLESPOONS Better-Than-Bullion paste
8-10  cups fresh spinach 
NOTE:  Use baby spinach "ready-to-eat" from the store; or rinse, slice and drain large spinach leaves from the garden

2  cups Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
1/4-1/2  cup Parmesan cheese

In a large pot cook sausage link slices and onions on Med-High heat.  Cook until sausage and onions start to brown. 

Then add cubed red peppers.  COOK for 5 minutes until peppers begin to soften.

Add minced garlic and sliced mushrooms. 

COOK for 5-9 minutes until all the vegetables are softened and fragrant.

Add Better-Than-Bullion paste. 

STIR well to combine.  

ADD spinach -  DO  NOT  STIR.

Put your pot lid on and steam spinach for 3-5 minutes.  

ADD cooked pasta and both cheeses.  

STIR well to combine one final time and serve hot.

I know my recipe says "2-3 red peppers"...
This enormous thing from HEB was defiantly
2-3 peppers worth!!!

I love using this recipe when we have a garden
overflowing with red peppers.

This recipe is in fact a product of me looking for a
"good use" of garden peppers, and has morphed
into the recipe my family loves 

and I've now shared with you!  ENJOY!