Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Hot. Humid. Houston. - Summer Garden 2019

Jeremy THE CAT has his rainy day routine nailed!
Step 1:  Nap on the chair.
Step 2: Nap on the chair.
Step 3: Maybe wake up for a minute,
then nap on the chair.

A rainy summer day is always appreciated!
The garden needs it, and then we get to skip
the sprinkler or watering can...

FIRST  YEAR  FOR:  Butternut Squash

Growing vertically can be a little tricky -
We've learned to tie up cantaloup and heavier
growing produce with a little help from the ladies
pantyhose selection at the Dollar Tree.  

Cucumbers do not need supportive leg-wear...
They do need to be eaten daily however as
there are usually 5-8 ready each morning this year!

Rain we needed...

And then a little more than what we needed...

The handsome Bret Sr. has often said that the
hardest thing to grow in HOT. HUMID. Houston are tomatoes
They get fungus from the wet and heat;
then the birds start pecking as soon as they turn red...

#1 - trim your leaves away from your garden bed.
#2 let them turn yellow/orange outside on the vine,
then bring them inside to turn red.

The bliss of eating a tomato that actually 
is best enjoyed on a BLT or BLTA.

Basic Bread Loaf - Baking with Natural Yeast

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