Friday, April 8, 2022

2022 Winter Garden Photos

Thanks for helping Jane Austen!


One of my favorite things lately!
Different colors...

AND - they all got planted at different times.

That way the entire crop isn't
ready ALL at once.

There's time in between each row of
when they're done.

Thank goodness I have chicken ladies!!
I ran out to the coop when I realized
I had zero eggs in the house...
Chicken ladies had some ready to get washed.

...Because you CANNOT make
EGG  NOODLES without eggs!

The "seconds" or the cookie cutter edges
of the egg noodles just get
kneaded again until fully incorporated and
then rolled out to a 1/4 inch thickness. 

Cut into strips (pizza cutter is super fast and fun!)
and bring soup to a low boil for
30-45 minutes to fully cook the noodles.

Heart noodles were made
for Valentine's Day!  :0)

Recipes From The Garden:


Thursday, April 7, 2022


OHHHHHH...  Where to begin?

When Jane was a puppy, still less than a year old,
Dr. D had a winter garden and loved to share
his newly ready garden carrots with
my dog (and his girlfriend) Jane Austen.

After a few days of him sharing the garden carrots with her,
she decided she could get them herself.  
We would find a puppy face full of dirt,
and a pile of green leafy carrots tops,
all over the yard - but mostly under the trampoline
where she hid to eat what she had pulled up from the garden.

I honestly blame Dr. D for the necessary fencing that we now have.

Keeps the bunnies and Jane Austen OUT of the carrots!

2021 Dr D Garden Photos

So many garden helpers!
Jane Austen is napping in chicken poop...
(She thinks she's helping.)

The REAL helper -
Jeremy The Cat

Getting the job done.

But truly the reason we have him!

King sometimes would visit the
garden and help out too!


Cucumbers and tomatoes

Purple and Curly Kale

- I have noticed over the years that
I like the purple kale the best!

- It is less bitter and the bugs leave 
it alone more than the curly kind.

I love it!

We get  A  LOT  of rain...

The last of the carrots!

Roasted with honey and butter.
I forgot to use foil...
HIGHLY  recommend using foil to
 avoid hours of cleanup.

To store sweet potatoes:

Leave the dirt on - rub off as much as you can,

Store in baskets with some clean hay
or straw in a cool dry place.

I like to wait a few months before using.  
They are not stringy or too starchy if you wait. 

(It seriously took up an ENTIRE garden bed
to grow two baskets of sweet potatoes...
We were left with a mountain of sweet potato
leaves and debris.  Thank goodness the chicken ladies
loved the mountain!)

The plants for the
Winter/Spring Garden
start in the garage in the FALL.

(...Our neighbors used to think Dr D
was growing something else.)

Recipes From The Garden: